The adverse conditions created by man himself threatened the survival not only of man himself but also other living organisms. Due to progress industries, technology, chemicals, atomic energy, there are a number of industrial effluents and emissions of poisonous gases in the atmosphere and also added solid waste which has lowered the quality of environment. Environmental pollution and degradation are used interchangeably by most of the people because both are concerned with the lowering of the 'quality of environment'. There are two aspects (i) lowering the quality of environment, and (ii) deterioration of the quality of environment. The deterioration of environmental quality refers the magnitude or intensity of the area covered. Environmental pollution means lowering of the quality of environment at iocal level caused by human activities for exploitation of 439 resources. Environmental degradation means deteriorating the environmental quality at global, regional and local levels by both natural processes and human activities. The pollution is a necessary evil of all development. Due to lack of development of a culture of pollution control, there has resulted a heavy backlog of gaseous, liquid and solid pollution in our country. Thus pollution control in our country is a recent environmental concern. There is race in developed countries to exploit every bit of natural resources to convert them into goods for their use and comfort and to export them to other needy countries. The industrialised countries dump lot of materials in their environment which becomes polluted. The environmental pollution has lowered its quality. Since pollution is viewed from different angles as an environmental problem by the geographers in general and environmental geographers in particular as natural scientists; as a social problem by the sociologists: as an economic problem by the economists; as an ecological problem by the ecologists etc. and thus it may be defined in a number of ways. It is commonly agreed that pollution is, without doubt, the outcome of urban-industrial technological revolution and rapacious and speedy exploitation of natural resources, increased rate of exchange of matter and energy and ever increasing industrial wastes, urban effluents and consumer goods.