Geography is a very wide subject. It has been divided into various branches such as physical geography, human geography, economic geography, political geography, social geography, bio-geography, geography of resources, regional geographics etc. Besides this it has developed into various independent subjects of study such as climatology, geomorphology, oceanography etc. All the branches of geography are dircctly or indirectly related with each other, therefore, a composite brief knowledge of each aspect is included in one way or the other in human geography because it is an important branch of geography. 
         Though several definitions of Geography have been given, the most important in vogue is that given by Hartshome in his monumental work - Perspective on the Nature of Geography in which he stated that "Geography is concerned to provide accurate, orderly, and rational description and interpretation of the variable character of the earth's surface." Geography, though an integrative science, has a dichotomous character.                  Human Geography is the science which studies spatial distribution of human facts upon carth surface. In other words, it Studies the environmental adjustments and spatial organisations made by human sections of various regions. In carlier Words it can bc said that in Human History, study is made on the regional bases, of human groups, and the forces, influences and reactions alongwith their functional relations.