Well, firstly I found this book very informative for those who are interested in World Geography.
But also I found this textbook to be Eurocentric and biased in favour of Chicago-school economics. This is especially prevalent in the sections on South America and Africa, where the authors offer the simplistic solution to almost all impoverished countries that they should just embrace the “free market" (without exploring how they may have been exploited by the free market in the first place). Although this is a Geography textbook which is meant to explore each region of the world on its terms, I found the discussions of political economy to be ideological rather than relativistic.
This is an informative introduction to Regional Geography but it should be read with the recognition that these biases are present and being applied to regions where it may not be appropriate.
Anyone interested in learning about geographic concepts can appreciate this concise text, that highlights the most important concepts. The fifth edition presents authoritative content, currency, and outstanding cartography. It continues to build on its strength for understanding maps with the help of additional question types. New coauthor Jan Nijman also helps provide a current view of the field. With its up-to-date information and accessible introduction, this text is engaging for any student
You can buy this book from Amazon, the link is here - https://www.amazon.in/dp/1119577675/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_VM6UFbXTQK77H
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